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NEW DATES: 20th Multidisciplinary Management of Cancers: A Case-based Approach (June 19-21; Silverado Resort & Spa)

NEW DATES: 20th Multidisciplinary Management of Cancers: A Case-based Approach
(June 19-21; Silverado Resort & Spa)

ANCO and UC San Francisco’s Office of Continuing Medical Education (OCME) announce that the 20th Multidisciplinary Management of Cancers: A Case-based Approach (MMC2020) originally scheduled for March 13-15 at the Silverado Resort & Spa has been postponed and rescheduled for June 19-21 at the Silverado Resort & Spa.

We have incorporated input from Course Directors, faculty, and attendees and factored in national, state, and local public health guidance in making this decision. The health and safety of our attendees and the patients they take care of is of paramount importance in making this decision. It is our responsibility to  safeguard our attendees and their patients from any potential exposure to COVID-19. “The vulnerability of our patients is very important, and it is our duty to minimize exposure as much as possible,” said Margaret Tempero, MD, Conference Co-Director.

Please look for important follow up communications from UCSF Office of CME that will include logistical details regarding the rolling over of your registration and hotel reservations to our new dates.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.