Fellow and Young Clinician Resources
ANCO, through its Group and Institutional Memberships, encourages Fellows to join ANCO.
In addition to all the other membership benefits, ANCO is investing in the future of oncology by supporting the professional development and research of young clinicians and Fellows.
ANCO Travel Awards. ANCO is pleased to be able to support travel to the ASCO Annual Meeting, ASH Annual Meeting, or other national oncology meeting for five young clinicians or Fellows each year. The application deadline is April 15. One recipient per ACGME-approved training program and one young clinician (in private practice for five or fewer years) will receive an ANCO Travel Award. Apply and view applicant and submission requirements.
ANCO’s ASCO YIA & Merit Awards. ANCO annually funds one Young Investigator Award (YIA) for a qualified Northern California applicant through Conquer Cancer, the ASCO Foundation. We encourage all eligible Northern California Fellows and Trainees to apply. The YIA is a one-year, $50,000 grant that provides research funding to promising physicians to support their transition from final years of subspecialty training to faculty appointment and to encourage and promote quality research in clinical oncology. In addition, ANCO funds two Merit Awards for the 2020 ASCO Annual Meeting and an award to attend the 6th Annual Scientific and Career Development Retreat in October 2020, which is by invitation only. For questions about eligibility and the application, please contact Conquer Cancer at grants@conquer.org.
Past ANCO ASCO Young Investigator Award recipients include: 2020–Michael Spinner, M.D., Stanford University, A Phase 2 Study of Magrolimab (anti-CD47 antibody) and Pembrolizumab in Relapsed or Refractory Classic Hodgkin Lymphoma. 2019–Cheryl Andrea Cohler Peretz, M.D., UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland, The Role of Tumor Heterogeneity in Relapsed and Refractory Pediatric FLT3-activated AML. 2018–Timothy T. Ferng, M.D., University of California, San Francisco, Identifying Synthetic Lethal Interactions in FLT3-mutant Acute Myeloid Leukemia Using Dynamic BH3 Profiling.
Past ANCO ASCO Merit Award recipients include: 2020–Mohana Roy, M.D., Stanford University, Distress screening through PROMIS at an academic cancer center and network site: Implementation of a hybrid model; Ana I. Velazquez, M.D., University of California, San Francisco, Social media use among NCI designated cancer centers: Where is the diversity?; 2019–YaoYao Guan Pollock, M.D., University of California, San Francisco, Predictors of Falls and Fractures in Patients (Pts) with Nonmetastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer (nmCRPC) Treated with Apalutamide (APA) plus Ongoing Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT); Michael H. Xiang, M.D., Ph.D., University of California, San Francisco, Risk of Subsequent Cancer Diagnosis in Patients Treated with 3D Conformal, Intensity Modulated, or Proton Beam Radiation Therapy.
Additional ASCO Funding Opportunities. ASCO’s grants and awards support clinical and translational cancer research done by gifted physician-scientists at every stage of their careers, from the best and brightest among young investigators to senior researchers providing mentorship opportunities for the next generation of cancer researchers. For inquiries regarding Conquer Cancer funding opportunities, please contact grants@conquer.org.
ASH also provides financial support for Fellows and Young Clinicians.